Campmeeting 2019 was a glorious time in the Lord as God’s presence and power descended on the Rhema campus. Those who attended—whether in person or online—were blessed and stirred to expectation by the richness of the Word and the refreshing of the Holy Spirit. From Summer Blitz to Rhema Kids to the adult services, all ages experienced life-changing encounters with God. Here are some highlights from the week.
It’s Time for the Rain
Kenneth W. Hagin
“Many churches are not experiencing the supernatural rain of the Holy Spirit. They are like the dry bones in the valley (Ezek. 37) that have a form of godliness but no power. The Church needs to be refreshed, revitalized, and rejuvenated by the rain of God’s spirit. If we get on our knees and pray, we will have rain. The earnest prayer of the righteous has great power. It won’t be some distant shower. It will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. When the rain comes, we will see things we have never seen before. We must be willing to move out and let the Holy Spirit direct us. Today is the day to declare that we hear the abundance of rain. The end-time revival is here!”
“We are on the edge of a Holy Ghost fire moving in our midst! To receive it, we must prepare for it. We start by letting hunger for the things of God consume us. Jesus said, ‘Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled’ (Matt. 5:6). We need to be full of Holy Ghost fire—not diluted down. God wants to prepare us for revival!”
Do You Really Believe?
CRAIG W. Hagin
“Jesus wasn’t telling you to move the mountain (Mark 11:23). He was saying to believe God to move it—but you must speak to it with the authority of God. Think about the Old West—covered wagons got through the Rocky Mountains. You don’t have to find your way through a mountain; you can move your mountain. But it won’t move unless you say something to it!”
Heavenly Consultant
Denise Hagin Burns
“When we consult with Jesus on our daily decisions, I am thoroughly convinced it will change the way we think, feel, and act. It will change what we listen to and look at. When we consult the Professional, the One who gives the expert advice, the Creator of the Universe, that’s the best advice we can get in every area of life.”
“The first principle of faith is to judge God faithful. His Word works yesterday, today, and forever. It never changes. If it was good yesterday, it’s good today, and it will be good tomorrow. When we decide to walk by faith, God has already settled His promises in Heaven.” // Charles Cowan
“Adding joy to your faith gives you endurance. If you only knew what happens when you rejoice, you would rejoice every day! Devils are running, angels are sent on assignment, and situations are turning. You are moving from believing to receiving.” // Mark Hankins
“The Kingdom of God is not just for us to get our needs met; it’s to set the captives free. Jesus wants us to become kingdom influencers for Him. We are called to influence the people around us. Decide to let people see Jesus in you!” // Darrell Huffman
“God’s eyes are searching to and fro. He’s looking for someone who is ready to respond and ready to believe that He can bring them through any circumstance. God sees you, and He told me to tell you ‘breakthrough is on the way!’ ” // Bill Ray
“Dare to believe God’s eternal, redemptive Word! Speak it, and you will have what you say. ‘By His stripes, I was healed!’ It’s the Word of the Living God. It’s an eternal, unchangeable, unalterable, irrevocable promise that Heaven has already made good on in the person of Jesus Christ.”
// David Shearin
“I’m getting stirred up! Things that seemed like they were forgotten or fading away are coming back.”–Justin, Ohio
A lot of people want to be healed, but they don't want to hear anythingKenneth E. Hagin
Summer Blitz: Known
For hundreds of 6th–12th graders, Summer Blitz 2019 was all about seeing themselves the way God sees them! As the week began, it was clear their hearts were eager for Him. The young people enjoyed energy-packed and intimate worship. In each service, God intimately ministered to them as they listened to the speakers. They experienced physical and emotional healings as the Holy Spirit moved mightily among them. By the end of the week, they were set ablaze, ready to walk in their identity in Christ—knowing themselves as they are known by God. Here are some highlights from the week.
“The devil is scared of you knowing yourself as you are known by God. Because the power and authority you have is greater than his will ever be.” // D.K. Hall
“Any great path worth taking has a purpose.” // Chris Campbell
“We weren’t created to depend on ourselves. We were created to lean on God.” // Katy Caple
“When you make the choice to get vulnerable with God, He comes through time and time again.” // Mike Caple
“When you stay in unforgiveness, you won’t be able to operate in all God has called you to be.” // Jill Donovan
“Someone’s opinion of you is not your reality.” // Smiley Elmore Jr.
“When you take time to press into the Word, it’s easier to follow God’s voice in the midst of distractions.”
// Obadiah Hagans
“God loves you in a moment more than anyone can in a lifetime.”
// Matt McCarty
“Knowing God’s character rules out the lies of the enemy.”
// Mia McCarty
“Your personal history with God is the power of your life.”
// Kaira McKinnon
“Who you are is based on who God says you are, not on who the world says you are.”
// Rob Post
“Jesus Christ is the only standard by which you judge yourself.”
// Anthony Washington
Kids Make a Splash!
Young ones were diving deep during Campmeeting! While adults were immersed in their services, the elementary-age students were swimming in the power of the Name of Jesus, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. Kids learned about using the Word and relying on the Spirit to “Make a Splash” in their world—the theme for the week. They talked about people in the Bible and in the world today who make waves for God, and how they can do the same.
Don’t think that children are too young to jump into the flow of the Holy Spirit! There were notable times where God ministered to them right where they were at. He reminded them that they are created on purpose for a purpose. The Heavenly Father helped them see themselves the way He sees them. A large number of kids were healed, some accepted Jesus as Savior, and the Lord moved in all the young lives in powerful ways! Families, schools, communities, and friends are feeling the ripples from the “splashtastic” experience these children brought home with them!
Kenneth W. Hagin
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