2019: Setting Up a New Season

Rhema TeamDecember 2019 WOFLeave a Comment

What happens around the world in a year? More than we can

describe in two pages! Here are some highlights from 2019.

The Mandate Expands

“Go, teach My people faith.”

—God’s Word to Kenneth E. Hagin, May 1950

Matthew 28:19 (NKJV) says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” The word disciple means “a student.” Kenneth Hagin Ministries has been teaching students since 1974. A revolutionary mark was hit in 2019—just under 85,000 men and women worldwide graduated from Rhema Bible Training College!

Every country is on the radar for growing RBTC campuses. Teaching faith and training students to lead others in the things of God translates into more churches and ministries reaching more people. There are currently 253 international campuses in 51 nations.

45th RBTC USA Graduating Class

“From here on forward, [these students] are going to be involved in the greatest work of God in the earth.”

—Tad Gregurich, Dean, Rhema Bible Training College USA

Get ready world! Rhema USA just trained 277 more graduates to carry faith and power to a lost and dying world. Matt Beemer, the graduation keynote speaker, summed it up well: “I believe the Rhema family has moved into a place of going like they’ve never gone before. . . . An apostolic ‘go’ is on this class!” (See the August issue of The Word of Faith for more.)


“I’ve had the privilege of traveling to many nations. It’s humbling to see what God has done.”

—Kenneth W. Hagin

This year, Kenneth, Lynette, and the crusade team traveled to 11 states for 13 crusades. Europe beckoned the Hagins to England, Croatia, Albania, Italy, Greece, and Malta. (See the September issue of The Word of Faith for more.)

In Greece, a woman was brought by her sons for healing. They traveled all night by boat. She had suffered a stroke and could not walk. Even before the prayer for healing was offered, she had taken steps and now is fully walking again!


“We are entering a season individually and corporately. We must be strong. We must be courageous. . . . And we must listen and obey the instructions that God gives us.”

—Lynette Hagin, Winter Bible Seminar 2019

Throughout the year, a variety of events brings powerful voices from around the world to speak into people’s lives. Two paid events—Kindle the Flame Women’s Conference and A Call to Arms Men’s Conference—bolstered adults who took time to get away and hear from God.

Winter Bible Seminar and Worldwide Homecoming was something to behold as 50 nations descended on Tulsa. Brazil’s delegation of 235 was the largest. Great testimonies were shared about how Rhema Brazil now has campuses in their prison systems.

Campmeeting held another key turning point as Kenneth W. Hagin proclaimed, “Today is the day to declare that we hear the sound of the abundance of rain. The end-time revival is here!”

Many people were healed, saved, and filled with the Holy Spirit. The reports of life-changing experiences in the Lord’s presence by children and youth at WBS and Campmeeting were especially precious. God is charging up the entire family— natural families and the Rhema worldwide family!

Restoration & Renovation

“It’s time to change your world! The point we all need to get to is one of forgetting about our past great moments and opening up to what God wants us to move into.”

—Kenneth W. Hagin (from The Master Restorer: God Will Do It Again)

Renovation and restoration are taking place at Rhema Bible Church! The massive structure is undergoing a gradual transformation. Winter Bible Seminar saw the first glimpse of the grey palette with new pews and carpeting in the sanctuary. Campmeeting enjoyed the next phase with stone around the stage and carpeting in the entries and hallways. From lighting to curtains, each element is progressively shifting into something fresh to bring the Word of God to the world, whether through on-site events or international broadcasts and live services.

The Printed Page

“Books can go places we can’t— into the homes!”

—John Grunewald, Int’l. Director of Rhema Europe, Middle East, and Africa

While eBooks gain popularity in America, people in much of the world still prefer the printed page. As Rhema campuses are expanding into additional countries, more and more Faith Library Publications books are being translated into new languages.

When the Hagins went to Europe, several new book translations were released in the countries they visited. Ministers in the pastoral meetings received Called by God, by Kenneth W. Hagin, translated in their own language. Gratitude and stories of how FLP books had changed their lives was a strong theme.


“From this place will be a great work that encompasses the whole world.”

—Rupert Bailey (a young man who prayed on the Rhema property in the early 1900s)

Rhema seems to be on the go everywhere! Over spring break, teams stayed busy with missions to Peru, the Navajo Nation, and locally in Tulsa. Students from the Rhema School of World Missions interned in Botswana, Europe, Guatemala, Lebanon, and Zambia.

It isn’t all “going.” Some of it is receiving those who come to Rhema USA, whether for their first years of school or advanced training (not offered internationally). This year, 53 men and women came from 22 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, South Korea, Vietnam, and Sweden.

Word Partners

“There is something about the Rhema family—when we come together as one, things change!”

—Craig W. Hagin, Winter Bible Seminar 2019

Our utmost thanks go to our Word Partners. You make all this happen by fueling the fire! You make it possible for anyone to have the advantage when attending Rhema USA. Your giving equates to a 70% tuition scholarship for each student! You have a part in what our students and graduates do. Anyone around the world ministered to through a member of the Rhema family is because of you!

Through Rhema, the anointing is caught, and the Word is taught. Whether by attending school or reading books, attending events or listening to broadcasts, the message of faith is imparted inside all of us. We are able ministers, ready to share the Gospel with our neighbors and the nations. We are people prepared to go boldly into the harvest. We are family, and we are building God’s kingdom!


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