2017: The Expansion Continues

Rhema TeamDecember 2017 WOFLeave a Comment

WHERE DOES GOD TAKE US? All over the world!

Oklahoma is an unlikely place to start when reaching the uttermost parts of the earth! The unassuming Tulsa suburb of Broken Arrow continues to be a starting point for people to come and go around the world.

We thank you, our worldwide family, for your prayers and partnership. Together we carry the torch into the nations and teach God's people faith!

International Education

RHEMA USA is the base for an expanding network of Rhema Bible Training College campuses. THERE ARE NOW 237 SCHOOLS IN 50 NATIONS! Why is this exciting? Because it means that more people have access to RBTC curriculum and training. They work within their respective cultures, developing and sending students out to fulfill the call of God on their lives.

DID YOU KNOW? Books from Faith Library Publications are part of the RBTC curriculum. They have been translated into over 100 LANGUAGES and are distributed on EVERY CONTINENT!


HUANCAYO, PERU, is nestled high in the Andes Mountains. When Rhema USA students and alumni arrived in March, they went to the streets, marketplaces, and hospitals with local interpreters. The team offered God's love, prayer for salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, or ministry for any need that was expressed. In the evenings, they divided up and ministered in churches. Several students shared their testimonies on the radio. Over 360 people received salvation. More than 600 people received prayer for healing, many receiving instant manifestations! Like every missions trip that stirs God's calling, the group returned more energized than when they left!

DID YOU KNOW? There are 16 RBTC campuses in Peru!


A Samoan welcome marked the arrival of the Rhema USA spring break missions team in APIA, SAMOA. It set the tone for a colorful immersion into island life in the South Pacific. The team remodeled the children's ministry area of All Nations Church. When the physical labor was done, the transformation of gleaming floors, fresh paint, and butterflies greeted the kids. Tired but eager Rhema USA students and alumni were able to minister as well. Salvations and healings were prevalent from young to old as they encouraged people with their testimonies, led in worship, and loved the people of Samoa.

DID YOU KNOW? In addition to Rhema South Pacific, Rhema Vanuatu has started and Rhema Fiji is coming soon!


Imagine walking the streets where the Apostle Paul placed his feet as he brought the Good News of Jesus to the Gentiles. Craig W. Hagin travelled to this ancient land in July to minister to the people of Thessalonica and Athens, Greece.

RHEMA THESSALONICA was open to the public for two days as Craig taught on divine healing. Then he prayed for the sick and many were healed instantly.

While in Athens, the purchase of a location for RHEMA ATHENS was completed with great favor at a fraction of the cost. A special session was held for pastors and leaders, and Craig ministered to the public with more healings. Despite high temperatures and failing air conditioners, hundreds of people still gathered to experience the power of God!

DID YOU KNOW? The work in Greece involves translating Faith Library Publications' books into Albanian and Greek.


The hunger of the Albanian people was evident when they responded to the invitation: "COME! JESUS HEALS TODAY." The Cultural Orthodox Centre was packed with about 600 people. Almost the entire crowd came forward for healing! One young girl, however, needed more than healing. When Craig prayed for her, a demonic spirit manifested. But by standing on the authority we have in Christ and listening to the Holy Spirit, the girl was set free.

Craig also taught on the gifts of the Holy Spirit at RHEMA ALBANIA and held a special session for pastors before ministering healing to the public. Reflecting on the country, which became a republic in the '90s after the fall of communism, Craig said, "We prayed for communist countries for years. I believe WE'RE SEEING THE FRUIT OF WHAT WE PRAYED!"

DID YOU KNOW? Rhema Albania is a new RBTC location with over 80 students in its first year.


In June, Kenneth and Lynette Hagin traveled to Canada. Their first stop was TORONTO, ONTARIO, Canada's largest city and a vibrant melting pot of culture. More than 2,000 miles away, CALGARY, ALBERTA, waited in the prairie and foothills of the Canadian Rockies.

Hunger for the things of God was easily evident as Kenneth and Lynette shared from their hearts. In every service people were healed—some instantly, some as they went—and every altar call brought souls into the Kingdom of God. A PARTICULAR SURGE OF SALVATION AND INFILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS MARKED ALL OF THE 2017 CRUSADES.

DID YOU KNOW? Nearly every month, Kenneth and Lynette travel somewhere in North America with Living Faith Crusades. In addition to radio and TV and events like Winter Bible Seminar, Campmeeting, Kindle the Flame®, and A Call to Arms®, they continue to impact lives on the home front.

Youth Around the World

There's a new building on campus, and its walls are reverberating with faith and love! The Varsity Youth Building has been a dream in Denise Hagin Burns' heart for 15 years. When the ribbon was cut at the grand opening, that dream exploded with immediate impact. It was just in time for youth to arrive for Winter Bible Seminar. Now young people can gather in a cutting-edge place of their own with exuberant praise.

DID YOU KNOW? The Varsity Youth Building is the first new building on the Rhema campus in 25 years! It was built debt free and given from the heart for future generations.
See what's ahead in 2018 at rhema.org/events!


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